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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Behind the Blessing

February 12, 2024
Annaliese Grellmann

An Introduction to the ASWWU Week of Worship Vespers Poem

Annaliese Grellmann

This year’s theme for student week of worship was “Blessings in Disguise” which was inspired by Laura Story’s song “Blessings.” Each morning we began by reading a blessing from the book The Lives We Actually Have by Kate Bowler and Jessica Richie. Afterwards, students had the opportunity to write their own blessing in the lobby answering the prompts “blessed are you who…” and “blessed are…”  


Friday afternoon I had the opportunity to read through the 100+ responses that were handwritten on pastel pieces of paper. They were thoughtful, vulnerable, and humorous. Many ideas were repeated, emphasizing to me their significance, while others were beautifully unique.  


While sitting in the front left of the University church listening to hymns “It is Well” and “Great is Thy Faithfulness” during sound check for vespers I complied as many of the responses as possible into one blessing that was read during vespers. This blessing isn’t my words, but yours. 



A blessing for us, Walla Walla University students 


Blessed are those who do small acts of kindness with great care 

The ones who sits next to us in the cafeteria 

The ones who stops to hold open the door 

The ones who welcome us with a smile regardless of how they’re feeling 


Blessed are those who think of others, even when it doesn’t benefit them 

Remembering that your win isn’t my loss 


Blessed are the people who hold us up 

The ones who check in on us when we disappear 

Who make us meals when it’s hard to eat 

Who help fulfill God’s promise that those who mourn will be comforted 


Blessed are those who care about all creature regardless of their reputation 

Giving generously without recognition or reward 


Blessed are we who experience ordinary delights 

A pair of skis and lots of snow 

An invitation from a friend 

A monday afternoon nap 


Blessed are those who imagine, who persist, who decide to try again tomorrow. 


Blessed are your quirks; the particularities that make you you 

You who wears a wrist watch 

You who is good at math 

You who supports the arizona cardinals 

You who knits scarves 

You who wears shorts in the middle of winter 


Blessed are you the pragmatic 

The one who asks questions and is unsatisfied with the answer 


Blessed are you the idealist 

The one who is comfortable with uncertainty and okay without having all the answers 


Blessed are you who lives breath to breath 

You who feel alone sitting in this crowd of people 

You who feels too tired to pray 

You who struggles to remember that your worth isn’t determined by finite things 


Blessed are you who struggles to forgive yourself and others 

Trying to remember that we all make mistakes 


Blessed are we, the college kids, 

We who follow our hearts and change our major 

We who are just trying to pass our classes 

We who have to figure out how to pay tuition 

We who fail at what the world deems important 

We who don’t know what in the world we’re doing 


Blessed are we, who choose to gather together despite our busy schedules 

Using all of it to remember that our togetherness matters to God 


So God, bless this. 

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